I'm doing something with cocoa which I think is a bit complicate for a beginner like me. I tried a few things, but I admit I need some theory first, because I would like to understand exactly the meaning of this concepts.
I see that every NSView and every class that subclasses it has one thing called frame
, and one called bounds
. They both have a size with width and height and an origin.
I have an NSView with an NSTableView inside of it.
I have the size of a row from the table view, and I would like to set the height of both NSView and NSTableView equal to rows*rowSize
, in a way that the group NSView+subviews is automatically resized when an object is added or removed to and from the data source of the Table View.
I made some experiments, but I did end a bit confused about frame, bounds, sizes and so on. I don't know what I should change and how.
Can you please give me an hint about what bounds and frame basically are, and how can I achieve that magic resizing?
Thank you for your replies in advance. Best regards,