Ooh, that was a tricky one, but it is do-able.
I assume you are doing this in a Matrix, and the dataset looks something like this
Month Year Category Value
--------- ----- ----------- -----
January 2014 Search 376
January 2015 Search 306
February 2014 Search 295
February 2015 Search 167
March 2014 Search 245
March 2015 Search 206
January 2015 Website 489
It’s fairly simple then to get the layout you require to display the values per month per year. Each 'Month' is its own Row Group. Each 'Year' is its own column group, and the Years are themselves contained in a Parent Group on 'Type'. The sum of values is calculated using the expression
Adding a new row off the bottom of the matrix allows the same expression to be used to calculate the total for the group.
Now as a default, as the columns are grouped by year, only the values for that year are in scope. As we want to compare across years we need to preserve this total to be assessed by the next column. We can do this using the code behind the report.
Right click the Report Body, select Report Properties, then choose Code, and enter the following
Dim CurrentSubtractor AS Integer
Dim CurrentDivisor AS Integer
Public Function GetPrevValueForSubtraction(NewSubtractor AS Integer) AS Integer
Dim ReturnValue AS Integer = NewSubtractor
if CurrentSubtractor = 0 then
CurrentSubtractor = NewSubtractor
ReturnValue = CurrentSubtractor
CurrentSubtractor = 0
end if
return ReturnValue
end function
Public Function GetPrevValueForDivisor(NewDivisor AS Integer) AS Integer
Dim ReturnValue AS Integer = NewDivisor
if CurrentDivisor = 0 then
CurrentDivisor = NewDivisor
ReturnValue = CurrentDivisor
CurrentDivisor = 0
end if
return ReturnValue
end function
Ignore the fact there is the same function twice for the moment – we’ll come back to that later. The code effectively preserves either the new value passed into it as current, or resets the current value to zero. As the report renders it processes each cell one at a time, and runs the code for each cell in turn, so effectively if you just had the result of this code in the cell it would return
0, value, 0, value, 0 value…
Finally to bring this all together we need to ensure that the calculation we will use is as follows
For every alternative column
Take the Sum of this column
Minus the previous column value
And divide the result by the previous column value
Note how we need to use the previous column value twice. If we used the same code snippet for both, it would evaluate it twice for each cell, resetting the value to zero for one of the times we needed to run it. Hence the requirement for two functions above
Set the code for your percentage vs 2014 to cell to
=iif(Fields!Year.Value = MAX(Fields!Year.Value, "DataSet10"),
(sum(Fields!Val.Value) -
Code.GetPrevValueForSubtraction(sum(Fields!Val.Value))) /
This will result in a matrix laid out like this
And when run, it will look like this
Hopefully this is what you require. If not, or if you require further help please let me know and I shall try to assist further.