I'm trying to profile an CUDA-application written in C# with managedCuda using either Nsight Visual Studio Edition or Visual Profiler. Both profilers work well with a plain C++ CUDA app. To test the profilers with managedCuda I want to profile the project "vectorAdd" in ManagedCudaSamples.
First I tried to use Nvidia Nsight Visual Studio Edition 5.0 integrated in VS 2013. I use the x64 Debug configuration. If I try to launch the app in "Application Control" in Nsight Performance Analysis I get an error message:
Analysis Session - Start Application
Unable to launch 64-bit managed application '...\ManagedCudaSamples\vectorAdd\bin\x64\Debug\vectorAdd.exe'.
Additionally I tried to use Nvidia Visual Profiler 7.5 for profiling the same application. On running vectorAdd.exe nvprof console shows the following output:
==2944== NVPROF is profiling process 2944, command: ...\ManagedCudaSamples\vectorAdd\bin\x64\Debug\vectorAdd.exe
==2944== Warning: Some profiling data are not recorded. Make sure cudaProfilerStop() or cuProfilerStop() is called before application exit to flush profile data.
==2944== Generated result file: ...\nvvp_workspace\.metadata\.plugins\com.nvidia.viper\launch\7\api_2944.log
I'm new to CUDA and would be thankful for any advice how to profile managedCuda applications.