I have a paper-menu with paper-items. Each item contains a paper-button. The paper-button click/tap event fires only if the button is not inside a selected paper-item.
<template is="dom-bind" id="root">
Item 1
<paper-button id="button_1" on-tap="tapAction" raised>Button 1</paper-button>
Item 2
<paper-button id="button_2" on-tap="tapAction" raised>Button 2</paper-button>
Item 3
<paper-button id="button_3" on-tap="tapAction" raised>Button 2</paper-button>
var root = document.querySelector("#root");
root.tapAction = function(e) {
console.log("tapAction: ", e.target.id)
See also: http://plnkr.co/edit/vZk8gwLOxh6hxyiGPiu5
How can i trigger click/tap events on a Polymer component like paper-button after the menu item is selected?