I am following this tutorial to create a status bar item in my cocoa application: http://blog.shpakovski.com/2011/07/cocoa-popup-window-in-status-bar.html
In the tutorial, the Application is agent (UIElement)
key in the Info.plist is set to YES
, but I want my application to function normally (ie. have a dock icon) so I have set this key to NO
However this causes my status bar window view only show on the main desktop where the app is active. For example, when attempting to open the status item in a full screen app this occurs:
This does not happen however when the key is set to YES
. Any ideas what I need to change? Here is the code where the status item window is called:
NSWindow *panel = [self window];
NSRect screenRect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame];
NSRect statusRect = NSZeroRect;
StatusItemView *statusItemView = nil;
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(statusItemViewForPanelController:)])
statusItemView = [self.delegate statusItemViewForPanelController:self];
if (statusItemView)
statusRect = statusItemView.globalRect;
statusRect.origin.y = NSMinY(statusRect) - NSHeight(statusRect);
statusRect.size = NSMakeSize(STATUS_ITEM_VIEW_WIDTH, [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] thickness]);
statusRect.origin.x = roundf((NSWidth(screenRect) - NSWidth(statusRect)) / 2);
statusRect.origin.y = NSHeight(screenRect) - NSHeight(statusRect) * 2;
NSRect panelRect = [panel frame];
panelRect.size.width = PANEL_WIDTH;
panelRect.size.height = POPUP_HEIGHT;
panelRect.origin.x = roundf(NSMidX(statusRect) - NSWidth(panelRect) / 2);
panelRect.origin.y = NSMaxY(statusRect) - NSHeight(panelRect);
if (NSMaxX(panelRect) > (NSMaxX(screenRect) - ARROW_HEIGHT))
panelRect.origin.x -= NSMaxX(panelRect) - (NSMaxX(screenRect) - ARROW_HEIGHT);
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:NO];
[panel setAlphaValue:0];
[panel setFrame:statusRect display:YES];
[panel makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
NSTimeInterval openDuration = OPEN_DURATION;
NSEvent *currentEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
if ([currentEvent type] == NSLeftMouseDown)
NSUInteger clearFlags = ([currentEvent modifierFlags] & NSDeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask);
BOOL shiftPressed = (clearFlags == NSShiftKeyMask);
BOOL shiftOptionPressed = (clearFlags == (NSShiftKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask));
if (shiftPressed || shiftOptionPressed)
openDuration *= 10;
if (shiftOptionPressed)
NSLog(@"Icon is at %@\n\tMenu is on screen %@\n\tWill be animated to %@",
NSStringFromRect(statusRect), NSStringFromRect(screenRect), NSStringFromRect(panelRect));
[NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
[[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:openDuration];
[[panel animator] setFrame:panelRect display:YES];
[[panel animator] setAlphaValue:1];
[NSAnimationContext endGrouping];