I'm trying to check wheter some network drives are mapped via logon script. If they're not mapped, the script should be able to map them but My Foreach-Object in the code below doesn't work. why? Can't I use it on hashtables?
$Hash = @{
"h:" = "\\server\share";
"i:" = "\\server\share";
"j:" = "\\server\share";
"k:" = "\\server\share";
"p:" = "\\server\share";
"z:" = "\\server\share";
$Hash | ForEach-Object
If (!(Test-Path $_.Name))
$map = new-object -ComObject WScript.Network
$map.MapNetworkDrive($_.Name, $_.Value, $true)
Write-Host "Mapped That Stuff"
{Write-Host ($Hash.Name) + ($Hash.Value)}
How do I have to use foreach
in this situation? Or is there a better way to solve this issue instead of a hashtable or a foreach loop?