
I'm installing openshift client tools as described: https://developers.openshift.com/en/getting-started-windows.html#client-tools. On step 'Setting up Your Machine' I got an error.

rhc setup C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require' : cannot load such file -- dl/import (LoadError)

The solution the problem is here but it's not working for me, even after I installed the gem and run

rhc setup

I'm still getting the same errors. What am I doing wrong? I downloaded Ruby 2.2.3 (x64) and I'm on windows 7.

Just a guess but I think it doesn't work on version 2.2. I have seen this question a lot. I installed 2.0 and it worked fine.fat fantasma
do I have to open the command prompt as administrator?Rockstar5645
Not sure. But worth a try. I'm always set to administrator.fat fantasma
yea, that worked, just install version 2.0 instead of anything later, thanks.Rockstar5645
I had the same issue. Look this thread: stackoverflow.com/a/28959533/2788478Andre Mesquita

2 Answers


install Ruby 2.0.0-p647 (x64) and not the later versions. suggested by fat fantasma in the comments


Try this in the cmd.

gem install net-ssh -v 2.9.3.beta1