Actually this answer is not so simple, as you would expect.
I will make many assumptions, first that you use sbt
, second is that you are working in a linux based computer, third is the last is that you have two classes
in your project, let's say RunMe
and Globals
, and the last assumption will be that you want to set up the settings inside the program. Thus, somewhere in your runnable code you must have something like this:
object RunMe {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setMaster("mesos://master:5050") //If you use Mesos, and if your network resolves the hostname master to its IP.
.set("spark.executor.memory", "10g")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext()
//your code comes here
The steps you must follow are:
Compile the project, in the root of it, by using:
$ sbt assembly
Send the job to the master node, this is the interesting part (assuming you have the next structure in your project target/scala/
, and inside you have a file .jar
, which corresponds to the compiled project)
$ spark-submit --class RunMe target/scala/app.jar
Notice that, because I assumed that the project has two or more classes you would have to identify which class you want to run. Furthermore, I bet that both approaches, for Yarn
and Mesos
are very similar.
– Alberto BonsantoMesos
, or other? – Alberto Bonsanto