I am working on a mobile app using Ionic (with Cordova purchase plugin) but this question is more general. We are using In App Purchases (IAP) and are currently getting an error when we try to finish the consumable purchase. Our current flow is like this:
- Get list of our Products from Apple and render on our IAP page
- User clicks consumable IAP they want and it fire off a message to StoreKit initiating the purchase
- We get a response with a consumable IAP object with the state set to approved.
- We initiate the verification procedure with a callback to our own server where we hit apple up to verify the purchase and then log it on our database and send the app a 200 response (not sure if we need to send back the IAP object here with receipt from our server or we just work with the one already inside the app?)
- We try finish the purchase where we get an error saying (InAppPurchase[objc]: Cannot finish transaction)
My question is assuming this is the correct flow what does the finish method do? Looking in the source code of the Cordova Purchase Plugin wrapper I can see it sets the state of the object to finished but I am assuming (I couldn't find the code where this happens) it also talks to Apple so that Apple marks the purchase as finished on their side? If we manually set the state to finished the IAP error goes away but the consumable can still not be purchased multiple times which means to me that Apple also need to close it. Is this a correct assumption? Any other tips to getting this to work would also be appreciated.