I am trying to perform a COUNTIFS function based on whether the cell value to be tested (the col sample data) appears in a array of values (Excel sample col).
Obviously to do a COUNTIFS is easy enough:
=COUNTIFS( $E$3:$E$13,A6 ,$F$3:$F$13,"<"&EOMONTH($B$3,1), $F$3:$F$13, ">="&DATE(YEAR(B$3),MONTH(B$3),1), $G$3:$G$13, "<12")
Where the column E in the function is equal to one value, in this case a6. But where I am having issues is to test to check if in an array of values i.e. in this example the cells a5 & a6.
Has anyone any ideas? (aside from the obvious counting individually, there are a lot more than two values in the array!)