I have a problem to understand the kubernetes workflow: So as I understand the flow:
You have a master which contains etcd, api-server, controller manager and scheduler. You have nodes which contain pods (wich contain containers), kubelet and a proxy.
The proxy is working as a basic proxy to make it possible for a service to communicate with other nodes. When a pod dies, the controller manager will see this (it 'reads' the replication controller which describes how many pods there normally are).
unclear: The controller manager will inform the API-server (I'm not right about this). The API-server will tell the scheduler to search a new place for the pod. After the scheduler has found a good place, the API will inform kubelet to create a new pod.
I'm not sure about the last scenario? Can you tell me the right proces is a clear way? Which component is creating the pod and container? Is it kubelet?