i am using android studio. and i edited the logcat messages so that only logs fom the App to be displayed. but at run time i find that the logact displays my logs and system log as well as shown in the following example:
11-03 09:45:39.061 12724-12931/? W/CSPPCtrl﹕ >>[rfcConnect()]<<//my log
11-03 09:45:39.061 12724-12931/? I/CSPPCtrl﹕ ->[rfcConnect()]-> rfcSocket socket connecting..//my log
11-03 09:45:39.065 12724-12931/? W/BluetoothAdapter﹕ getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback//system log
11-03 09:45:39.068 1968-2103/? D/BTIF_SOCK﹕ service_uuid: 0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb//system log
11-03 09:45:39.197 1968-2130/? W/bt-sdp﹕ process_service_search_attr_rsp//system log
11-03 09:45:39.229 1968-2130/? E/bt-btif﹕ DISCOVERY_COMP_EVT slot id:9, failed to find channle,//system log
and i edited the logcat filter as shown in the image below
please let me know why the logcat still showing the system logs