
Ok, so I've made my connection to the AD server, and created users without any issues. However, when I try to get a list of users, it always fails.

I can connect using LDAP://domain.com, "user", "password" but when I try anything else, the access violation comes up. EX: LDAP://CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com or LDAP://domain.com/CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com returns the access violation exception. If I do a search through the root and get the path, and create a new entry with the path, I get the access violation.

It seems like I can only connect to the root. I don't know how to get a list of users from there. Can anyone help?

EDIT: This is the code I ended up working with. It works the way I want it to. I'll leave it up here in case anyone ever runs into this problem. I've added comments to the code where the error popped up.

private void List_Logon()
            DirectoryEntry Entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://domain.com", "user", "password", AuthenticationTypes.Secure);
            DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(Entry);
            searcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))";
            SearchResultCollection results = searcher.FindAll();
            //I had to add null checks. This was never a problem, but should be checked. 
            if (results != null)
                //For some odd reason, I couldn't use a foreach here.
                for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
                        DirectoryEntry user = results[i].GetDirectoryEntry();
                        //This information cannot return null or it will throw an Access Violation Exception. 
                        if (user.Properties["Name"].Value != null & user.Properties["lastLogon"].Value != null)
                            //This part is not mine. Someone else told me how to convert it.
                            Int64 lastlogon = new Int64();
                            IADsLargeInteger lgInt =
                            lastlogon = ((long)lgInt.HighPart << 32) + lgInt.LowPart;
                            DateTime lastLogonTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(lastlogon);
                            //Thank you.
                            listBox1.Items.Add(user.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString() + " : " + lastLogonTime.ToString());
                        //If one of the above is null, I still want to try to get the user.
                        else if (user.Properties["Name"].Value != null)
                            //Don't believe this will ever happen, but it's possible... I think. I'm still learning. 
                            listBox1.Items.Add("result was null");
                    catch (Exception e)
                         //This is how I found out what was really wrong. Catching the Access Violation Exception did not work. This was returning a Null Reference message.
                         MessageBox.Show(e.Message(), "Error");
Is there really no one out there that can help?A Hadley
Are you sure that the user you've binding to Active Directory with has permissions to query the directory? Check this KB article on allowing these types of queries : support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/320528X3074861X
Perhaps you could post the code and the associated exception?Brian Desmond
I figured it out. It was null references in the fields I was trying to access.A Hadley

1 Answers


Access Violation Exception was incorrect. I added a try-catch to discover the problem was a Null Reference Exception.