I am trying to run quantile regressions across deciles, and so I use the sqreg command to get bootstrap standard errors for every decile. However, after I run the regression (so Stata runs 9 different regressions - one for each decile except the 100th) I want to store the coefficients in locals. Normally, this is what I would do:
reg y x, r
local coeff = _b[x]
And things would work well. However, here my command is:
sqreg y x, q(0.1 0.2 0.3)
So, I will have three different coefficients here that I want to store as three different locals. Something like:
local coeff10 = _b[x] //Where _b[x] is the coefficient on x for the 10th quantile.
How do I do this? I tried:
local coeff10 = _b[[q10]x]
But this gives me an error. Please help! Thank you!