
I'm exploring whether to use Azure SQL Database or SQL Server in Virtual Machine. What are the pros and cons each of them?

Thank You.


1 Answers


Well...SQL Azure is PaaS, and Sql Server in VM is IaaS. Just to highlight some differences.

  1. Control & Features - You got a greater control and features in IaaS where else in PaaS you got to stick with the features they have.
  2. Redundancy & Backup - By default, SQL Azure comes with 3 copies of redundancy and you can enable geo-replication to nearest datacenter too. Backup is automatically done for 7 days and onwards depending on the pricing tier.
  3. Cost & Ownership - Basic DB in SQL Azure cost you USD5, however in VM, you can host as many db possible albeit more expensive to rent a single VM.

Check this link out to find out more details