I am trying to retrieve all comments to a video with all replies, however, using the Test It interface (or the Java library) I have not been able to retrieve all comments - I have following two examples, when I have failed:
Example 1
The example video and comment is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCLy2DZdXhY&lc=z12ei1s5gs2mc303523qsdigcxmphhlrd04 When I retrieve the comment using
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/commentThreads?part=snippet&id=z12ei1s5gs2mc303523qsdigcxmphhlrd04&fields=etag%2CeventId%2Citems%2Ckind%2CnextPageToken%2CpageInfo%2CtokenPagination%2CvisitorId&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
And note the "totalReplyCount": 2,
However, when I try to obtain all replies using the parentId:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/comments?part=snippet&parentId=z12ei1s5gs2mc303523qsdigcxmphhlrd04&fields=etag%2CeventId%2Citems%2Ckind%2CnextPageToken%2CpageInfo%2CtokenPagination%2CvisitorId&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
I receive an empty response:
I have read Youtube Data API v3: commentThread call doesn't give replies for some comment threads , however, it does not provide me the answer as I do use the comments list with parentId and I am still not getting any replies.
Even if I try the not recommended way - using the part snippet,replies
, I do not get any replies:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/commentThreads?part=snippet%2Creplies&id=z12ei1s5gs2mc303523qsdigcxmphhlrd04&fields=etag%2CeventId%2Citems%2Ckind%2CnextPageToken%2CpageInfo%2CtokenPagination%2CvisitorId&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
However, if I do not specify the comment thread by its ID and specify that I want all comment threads for the video:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/commentThreads?part=snippet%2Creplies&videoId=xCLy2DZdXhY&fields=etag%2CeventId%2Citems%2Ckind%2CnextPageToken%2CpageInfo%2CtokenPagination%2CvisitorId&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
Then voila - The comment thread is now with those two replies:
Why do I receive the replies now and not when I either specify the replies by their parentId or when I specify the comment thread by its id?
Moreover, if I take the (weird) id of one of the replies and try to obtain the comment with this reply, I will receive empty response:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/comments?part=snippet&id=z12ei1s5gs2mc303523qsdigcxmphhlrd04.1443381718685326&fields=etag%2CeventId%2Citems%2Ckind%2CnextPageToken%2CpageInfo%2CtokenPagination%2CvisitorId&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
Example 2
This problem is a bit different. I have a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c76GeR2IWg with 7 comments (6 of them are top levels). When I try to obtain all top level comments related to this video I receive only 4 of them. GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/commentThreads?part=snippet%2Creplies&videoId=-c76GeR2IWg&fields=etag%2CeventId%2Citems%2Ckind%2CnextPageToken%2CpageInfo%2CtokenPagination%2CvisitorId&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
One of the missing comments in the response is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c76GeR2IWg&lc=z120d11g2yyjyxcxw04cg1xbaqfnslfaamk0k . When I train to obtain comment thread with this id, I do obtain the comment thread: GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/commentThreads?part=snippet%2Creplies&id=z120d11g2yyjyxcxw04cg1xbaqfnslfaamk0k&fields=etag%2CeventId%2Citems%2Ckind%2CnextPageToken%2CpageInfo%2CtokenPagination%2CvisitorId&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
And also, when I try to obtain the replies for this comment (there should be 1 reply) I receive an empty response:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/comments?part=snippet&parentId=z120d11g2yyjyxcxw04cg1xbaqfnslfaamk0k&fields=etag%2CeventId%2Citems%2Ckind%2CnextPageToken%2CpageInfo%2CtokenPagination%2CvisitorId&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
For both examples, the number of comments is less than the size of the page. For this simple example, I have skipped pagination and chose examples with only a few comments, in the real application I use the pagination but I do not get more results.
I do not really understand how is the YouTube and G+ integrated together, thus this might be the issue, however, I was always accesing these videos using only youtube, not checking the users' G+ page, thus I would say that this should not be the case.
Similar questions on SO:
How can I see all the comments with the Youtube API? This is about V2 API, thus no use for me.
Youtube Data API v3: commentThread call doesn't give replies for some comment threads This question is very similar and raises similar problems, however, it is exactly the other way around - The author does not receive all replies using the commentThread replies (which is agreeing with the documentation), however, the proposed solution is "Use the comments.listcall instead and specify the commentThread's ID for the parentId." - which is exactly what does not work for me.
YouTube Data API v3 Comment Thread Discrepency The author forgot about pagination.
YouTube Data API v3 - Comment threads request doesn't return all comments Similar question, yet without any answer.