Any ideas how to resolve the fact my UICollectionView crashing when scrolling whist rotating?
I am using the following approach for scrolling and rotation separately, and each seem to work fine. I've just noted when doing both things at the same time I can get this crash. So it seems to be something to do with the fact when I rotate the device and the new layout attributes are being calculated within prepareLayout, that the continual scrolling is triggering "invalidateLayoutWithContext(invalidContext)" (see below).
Ideas? Is there a way to put any scrolling responses on-hold (or ignore them) during the rotation?
Rotation Approach In viewWillLayoutSubviews in the view controller I invalidate the whole layout
Scrolling Approach To allow me to have a "sticky" decorative view (header) I don't invalidate the whole layout, as it kills performance, but do the following. In the layout class I override shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange
override func shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange(newBounds: CGRect) -> Bool {
let invalidContext : UICollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext = self.invalidationContextForBoundsChange(newBounds)
// Keep Header Sticky
invalidContext.invalidateDecorationElementsOfKind(GCCalendarLayoutKind_Decorative1, atIndexPaths: [headerDecorativeIndexPath])
// Apply Invalidation
// Return normal super return (just in case of future IOS upgrades)
return super.shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange(newBounds)
Note here I'm invalidating the Decorative View (header), whereas the error with the crash is about my supplementary view layouts being different.
2015-10-30 07:14:30.181 test3_collectionview[17086:3102132] * Assertion failure in -[UICollectionViewData validateLayoutInRect:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ 2015-10-30 07:14:30.185 test3_collectionview[17086:3102132] * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'layout attributes for supplementary item at index path ( {length = 2, path = 0 - 0}) changed from index path: ( {length = 2, path = 0 - 0}); element kind: (Decorative1); frame = (0 1085.5; 320 16); zIndex = 1; to index path: ( {length = 2, path = 0 - 0}); element kind: (Decorative1); frame = (0 853.5; 320 16); zIndex = 1; without invalidating the layout' *** First throw call stack:
method, does the crash continue to happen ? – Lefteris