[email protected]:8080 FAILED: java.net.BindException:
Address already in use
I had the same problem. In my case i tried to run jetty server on windows 8. When i execute mvn jetty:run command had the error on port number 8080. My port no 8080 was running by malware(sysnetwk.exe) after i killed the process(sysnetwk.exe) running on 8080 jetty server started. it works fine now
If anyone has this problem they can follow below steps
you need to find which process running on port no (in my case port no 8080)
c:\ Windows\system32>netstat -ano | findstr 8080
Kill the process using PID
c:\ Windows\system32>taskkill /F /pid 6772
Success: process terminated.
If you can't kill the process using cmd prompt then you can use task manager(ctrl+shift+esc
) to kill the process