
I have used These launch images

My app is again rejected by app store. The reason is "iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution" . I have checked my app in iPad and it works fine. Here is the screenshot app on iPad Please tell me what to do. My app is only for iPhone. Here is the screenshots of my app settings

Please help me out.

@Venkat There is no launch screen in my project. I have used LaunchImage in Image xcassetes.Sudha Tiwari
Had you put the splash screen for the iPad..? I guess may be its aproblemSunny Shah
@Venkat is there any issue If I used universal for image assets.Sudha Tiwari
Did you test you app in iPad ? even if its iPhone app, we can run it in iPad also.. I think apple tried to test your app in iPad.. So you check that first.Venk

1 Answers


Ensure all the functionalities are working fine on iPad. Check all the screens, keyboard should not hide the text fields and options anywhere. You can check in 3.5 inch simulator and check Default(Splash) image shows on iPad or not.