I am trying to have a View component style animate. I am following the examples listed here: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/animations.html
But, when I render my component, I get the error:
[tid:com.facebook.React.ShadowQueue][RCTConvert.m:55] Error setting property 'height' of RCTView with tag #7: JSON value '{ "_animation" = ""; "_children" = ( ); "_listeners" = { }; "_offset" = 0; "_value" = 200; }' of type NSDictionary cannot be converted to NSNumber
This is how I'm setting the Animated value in my constructor:
constructor() {
this.state = {
titleContainerHeight: new Animated.Value(200),
And here is my view:
<View style={[styles.titleContainer,{height:this.state.titleContainerHeight}]}>
<Text style={[{color: 'white'}]}>App logo here</Text>
Seems like I'm going everything just how the documentation describes, and I'm doing the same thing in another component without getting any errors. So, what is wrong here?