I try to move some posixGroup-Definitions from one ldap-server to a new one using
ldapadd -x -v -W -D cn=ldapAdmin,dc=ibk,dc=local -f groups_ldap_20151028.ldif
This produces the following error:
ldap_initialize( <DEFAULT> )
Enter LDAP Password:
add objectClass:
add cn:
add displayName:
add sambaGroupType:
add sambaSID:
add gidNumber:
adding new entry "cn=users,ou=groups,dc=ibk,dc=local"
ldap_add: Object class violation (65)
additional info: no structural object class provided
I do not understand what happens here, so please give me a hint. As i found posixGroup' is a structural object, sambaGroupMapping not. Adding 'top' as objectClass did not help. All necessary attributes are set and the old setting worked. Importing users the same way worked also well. Both ldap-version are the same.
EDIT: The primary Problem was the wrong schema which had posixGroup an as structural class. The modern uses the configuration in the description below. The rest was a mess of duplicate names and whitespace in the ldif-file. Thank you!