
I have set up a basic mySQL replication across two Centos servers, lets call them Server1 and Server2.

It works fine. If I log into mySQL command line via root on Server1 and insert into a table, I can see the insert on Server2 database.

The SHOW SLAVE STATUS and SHOW MASTER status are all in sync and it looks healthy.

However, if I connect to Server1 from my desktop using MySQL workbench (different user, but one that has insert access) and enter anything, I can still see it on Server1 (from command line, on root) but I cannot see it on Server2.

No errors, no nothing.

Hope you can help, this is driving me mad.

Sorry away from my desk for the mo. Latest mysql, set up using mysql dump, don't know about format (something for me to look into?, any tips?). Will get back on the other questions.user4072129
Database called lll, on the master it says : mysql-bin.000001 | 743 | llluser4072129
On Slave the status is : Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001 Read_Master_Log_Pos: 743user4072129
So I have just done another insert to check - again, it has appeared OK in the MASTER, but not in the slave. I have checked the status of both and they are in syncuser4072129
Just checked the versions - on the MASTER it is version 5.1.73 x86_64 redhat-linux-gnu, on the SLAVE it is 5.6.27 MySQL Community Server (GPL)user4072129

1 Answers


It is this

It is MySQL Workbench, the SQL scripts from there did not state 'use '.

This is affected by the setting in the my.cnf, it is the replicate-do-db setting :

More details here