I have a generic standalone JMS application which works with following JMS providers WebSphere, HornetQ and ActiveMq. I pass Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY and Context.PROVIDER_URL as parameters to my application and create a naming context out of them by doing something like this
Properties environmentParameters = new Properties();
environmentParameters.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, property.context);
environmentParameters.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, property.provider);
namingContext = new InitialContext(environmentParameters);
And use this context for object lookup.
I understand RabbitMQ isn't a JMS provider so it doesn't have an InitialContext class or a Provider URL but it provides a JMS Client which is an abstraction of its Java client conforming to JMS specification. RabbitMQ's JMS client documentation has an example of defining objects in JNDI as a resource configuration as part of a web application but I quite couldn't figure out how to do something similar for my standalone application which creates a naming context based on JNDI provider using JMS client's dependencies or to create an InitialContext out of the available dependencies.
So can someone throw some light on how this can be done? Hope my question is clear.