
I've spent the last three days trying to figure this out and i hope someone from here could help.

Note regarding setup: I'm working off Ember-Cli therefore my Ember version 1.13.7 and Ember-Data 1.13.8

To learn more about how emberJS works i decided to create a simple blog system that i will use on my own website. The data is loaded from a Firebase database using the Emberfire plugin.

Help: I cannot sort the data i retrieve into a descending order. For example, if i have 5 posts created on Monday, Tues, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Each with a unique timestamp in numerical order.

When i retrieve data it shows in this order:

1st ever post (oldest)
2nd ever post
3rd ever post
4th ever post
5th ever post (newest)

i want to reverse the order so my latest blog post appears on top.

I am retrieving data with the following code:

return this.store.find('post');

I can't work out how to use: sortBy which is from Ember itself or the orderBy() which is from firebase/emberfire?

I understand it needs to be inside a controller which will modify the data from the model before presenting it in the view. But can anyone help?

heres some more code:

Attempt at a controller - it doesn't work:

import Ember from 'ember';

 export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
    sortedModel : function(){
        return this.get('model').sortBy();

View Template:

{{#each sortedModel as |post|}}
    {{#blog-post post=post}}{{/blog-post}}


2 Answers


You need a property to order your posts by. Luckily, Firebase automatically provides such a property. Every item saved to Firebase is automatically given a timestamp at that moment.

In your post model, add a timestamp property like this:


export default DS.Model.extend({
  timestamp: DS.attr('number')

Now in your controller you can sort by it. You don't need the @each helper because sortBy already works on arrays.


import Ember from 'ember';

 export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
    sortedModel : function(){
        return this.get('model').sortBy('timestamps').reverse();

I think that should work, but let me know in the comments if you have any trouble!


Since you said your post array is already ordered but the wrong way. You could use Array.prototype.reverse();

export default Ember.ArrayController.extend // Array and object c are deprecated.

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
    sortedModel : function({
        return this.get('model').reverse(); 

NB: If this does not work for you (your problem is bigger, but not explained here). I think you should handle the pagination logics in backend.

Instead of this.store.find('post'); you should be using

this.store.find('post', { page: variable });