I've spent the last three days trying to figure this out and i hope someone from here could help.
Note regarding setup: I'm working off Ember-Cli therefore my Ember version 1.13.7 and Ember-Data 1.13.8
To learn more about how emberJS works i decided to create a simple blog system that i will use on my own website. The data is loaded from a Firebase database using the Emberfire plugin.
Help: I cannot sort the data i retrieve into a descending order. For example, if i have 5 posts created on Monday, Tues, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Each with a unique timestamp in numerical order.
When i retrieve data it shows in this order:
1st ever post (oldest)
2nd ever post
3rd ever post
4th ever post
5th ever post (newest)
i want to reverse the order so my latest blog post appears on top.
I am retrieving data with the following code:
return this.store.find('post');
I can't work out how to use: sortBy which is from Ember itself or the orderBy() which is from firebase/emberfire?
I understand it needs to be inside a controller which will modify the data from the model before presenting it in the view. But can anyone help?
heres some more code:
Attempt at a controller - it doesn't work:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
sortedModel : function(){
return this.get('model').sortBy();
View Template:
{{#each sortedModel as |post|}}
{{#blog-post post=post}}{{/blog-post}}