I receive a pipe-delimited flat file each week that has 50 columns. I am trying to use SSIS to take that file, delete the last 3 columns, then insert the remaining data into a new pipe-delimited flat file. At first I thought this would be very simple, but I've got a stubborn flat file connection manager. It keeps reverting back to the inbound file layout with the extra columns, and also keeps going back to a comma delimited file when the outbound file needs to be pipe delimited.
The way I'm "deleting" the unneeded columns is by just removing them from the inbound flat file connection manager, so they aren't listed in the output columns from the flat file source, and they don't show to be on the input columns of the flat file destination.
The file name of both files is dynamic...not sure if that's having something to do with it.
I have delay validation set to true for both, but I'm not sure what else to try. I've also tried deleting all of it and adding back in the connection managers and the files.
Is there some issue with having 2 flat file connection managers, one for the source and one for the destination? Is there a setting I'm missing?