
I've read the other posts about this subject and tried loads of things but cant get a Variable from my controller file to the Checkout. I have very little experience with creating modules so followed a guide to create the following

app ▸ code ▸ local ▸ Creare ▸ AgeRestricted ▸ etc ▸ config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Macintosh HD ▸ WWW-local ▸ dexam ▸ htdocs_live ▸ app ▸ code ▸ local ▸ Creare ▸ AgeRestricted ▸ Model ▸ Observer.php


class Creare_AgeRestricted_Model_Observer
    public function AgeRestricted(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
    Mage::register('feedback', $AgeRestricted);
       $event           = $observer->getEvent();
           $method          = $event->getMethodInstance();
           $result          = $event->getResult();
       $AgeRestricted        = false;

        foreach (Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as     $item)
               $AgeRestricted = true;




Notice I added the line:

Mage::register('feedback', $AgeRestricted);

then im trying to call this with:

echo Mage::registry('feedback');

in file: app/design/frontend/dexam/default/template/checkout/onepage/payment.phtml

but it displays nothing at all. I've tested the location in payment.phtml is working.. my test text appears but 'feedback' is not calling the $AgeRestricted.

I tried echo $AgeRestricted; in my controller, which echo'd lots of '1's at the top of my screen so I can see the variable contains the true value.

How can I call $AgeRestricted in payment.phtml?

Many thanks!! Daz

You have to put Mage::register('feedback', $AgeRestricted); after the initialization of the variable $AgeRestricted = false;adrien54
Thanks, I tried this but i'm getting the error - Mage registry key "feedback" already exists. I'm certain its because the same code is running over and over. I tried the if statment below too but that also gives the key already exists error.user2864591

2 Answers



class Creare_AgeRestricted_Model_Observer
    public function AgeRestricted(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
       $event           = $observer->getEvent();
           $method          = $event->getMethodInstance();
           $result          = $event->getResult();
       $AgeRestricted        = false;

        foreach (Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as     $item)
               $AgeRestricted = true;


      	Mage::register('feedback', $AgeRestricted); // put this line here after all processing



Hope this will help you out


You can use magento checkout sessions to set the value from the observer to payment file


class Creare_AgeRestricted_Model_Observer
    public function AgeRestricted(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)

       $event           = $observer->getEvent();
           $method          = $event->getMethodInstance();
           $result          = $event->getResult();
       $AgeRestricted        = false;

        foreach (Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as     $item)
               $AgeRestricted = true;





In your payment.phtml

<?php $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session');?>
<?php echo $session->getRestrictedAge();?>