I have looked through related questions on this on the website but none of them really answer my question. I have the following statements in a website using Propel:
$query = $query
->joinWith("Request.SupportStatus SupportStatus")
->joinWith("Request.CustomerGroup CustomerGroup", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
->joinWith("Request.Customer Customer", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
->joinWith("Request.Site Site", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
->joinWith("Request.InternalUser InternalUser", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
->joinWith("Request.User User", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
->orderBy("CreatedDate", Criteria::ASC);
$conditions = array(
"and" => array(),
"or" => array()
if(isset($args["QueryText"]) && $args["QueryText"] != "") {
$query = $query
->withColumn("(MATCH (Request.Subject, Request.Detail) AGAINST ('" . $args["QueryText"] . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) + MATCH (Response.Response) AGAINST ('" . $args["QueryText"] . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE))", "RequestRelevance")
->condition('cond1', "(MATCH (Request.Subject, Request.Detail) AGAINST ('" . $args["QueryText"] . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) + MATCH (Response.Response) AGAINST ('" . $args["QueryText"] . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) > 0.2")
->condition('cond2', 'Request.Id = ?', $args["QueryText"])
->where(array('cond1', 'cond2'), 'or')
->orderBy("RequestRelevance", Criteria::DESC);
if(isset($args["OpenCallsOnly"]) && $args["OpenCallsOnly"] == 1) {
$query = $query
if(isset($args["ClosedCallsOnly"]) && $args["ClosedCallsOnly"] == 1) {
$query = $query
foreach ($conditions as $key => $value) {
$query = $query
->where($value, $key);
However, this query takes a good 20 seconds to execute on the website if sorting by ClosedCallsOnly
(so nearly 50000 results) and over 8 seconds if using raw SQL. I have optimised it to the following query, using UNION
requests.requestID AS "Id", requests.subject AS "Subject", requests.detail AS "Detail", requests.created AS "CreatedDate", requests.lastresponsedate AS "LastResponseDate", SupportStatus.supportstatusID AS "SupportStatus.Id", SupportStatus.supportstatus AS "SupportStatus.Name", SupportStatus.isnew AS "SupportStatus.IsNew", SupportStatus.isclosed AS "SupportStatus.IsClosed", CustomerGroup.customergroupID AS "CustomerGroup.Id", CustomerGroup.customergroup AS "CustomerGroup.Name", Site.siteID AS "Site.Id", Site.site AS "Site.Name", InternalUser.userID AS "InternalUser.Id", InternalUser.username AS "InternalUser.Username", User.userID AS "User.Id", User.username AS "User.Username", Customer.customerID AS "Customer.Id", Customer.customer AS "Customer.Name", Customer.customergroupID AS "Customer.CustomerGroupId", Customer.rate AS "Customer.Rate"
FROM requests
LEFT JOIN responses Response ON (requests.requestID=Response.requestID)
INNER JOIN supportstatus SupportStatus ON (requests.supportstatusID=SupportStatus.supportstatusID)
INNER JOIN customergroups CustomerGroup ON (requests.customergroupID=CustomerGroup.customergroupID)
INNER JOIN customers Customer ON (requests.customerID=Customer.customerID)
INNER JOIN sites Site ON (requests.siteID=Site.siteID)
LEFT JOIN users InternalUser ON (requests.internal_userID=InternalUser.userID)
LEFT JOIN users User ON (requests.userID=User.userID)
WHERE ((MATCH (requests.subject, requests.detail) AGAINST ('slow pc' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
ORDER BY requests.created ASC)
requests.requestID AS "Id", requests.subject AS "Subject", requests.detail AS "Detail", requests.created AS "CreatedDate", requests.lastresponsedate AS "LastResponseDate", SupportStatus.supportstatusID AS "SupportStatus.Id", SupportStatus.supportstatus AS "SupportStatus.Name", SupportStatus.isnew AS "SupportStatus.IsNew", SupportStatus.isclosed AS "SupportStatus.IsClosed", CustomerGroup.customergroupID AS "CustomerGroup.Id", CustomerGroup.customergroup AS "CustomerGroup.Name", Site.siteID AS "Site.Id", Site.site AS "Site.Name", InternalUser.userID AS "InternalUser.Id", InternalUser.username AS "InternalUser.Username", User.userID AS "User.Id", User.username AS "User.Username", Customer.customerID AS "Customer.Id", Customer.customer AS "Customer.Name", Customer.customergroupID AS "Customer.CustomerGroupId", Customer.rate AS "Customer.Rate"
FROM requests
LEFT JOIN responses Response ON (requests.requestID=Response.requestID)
INNER JOIN supportstatus SupportStatus ON (requests.supportstatusID=SupportStatus.supportstatusID)
INNER JOIN customergroups CustomerGroup ON (requests.customergroupID=CustomerGroup.customergroupID)
INNER JOIN customers Customer ON (requests.customerID=Customer.customerID)
INNER JOIN sites Site ON (requests.siteID=Site.siteID)
LEFT JOIN users InternalUser ON (requests.internal_userID=InternalUser.userID)
LEFT JOIN users User ON (requests.userID=User.userID)
WHERE (requests.requestID = 'slow pc')
ORDER BY requests.created ASC)
Request.requestID AS "Id", Request.subject AS "Subject", Request.detail AS "Detail", Request.created AS "CreatedDate", Request.lastresponsedate AS "LastResponseDate", SupportStatus.supportstatusID AS "SupportStatus.Id", SupportStatus.supportstatus AS "SupportStatus.Name", SupportStatus.isnew AS "SupportStatus.IsNew", SupportStatus.isclosed AS "SupportStatus.IsClosed", CustomerGroup.customergroupID AS "CustomerGroup.Id", CustomerGroup.customergroup AS "CustomerGroup.Name", Site.siteID AS "Site.Id", Site.site AS "Site.Name", InternalUser.userID AS "InternalUser.Id", InternalUser.username AS "InternalUser.Username", User.userID AS "User.Id", User.username AS "User.Username", Customer.customerID AS "Customer.Id", Customer.customer AS "Customer.Name", Customer.customergroupID AS "Customer.CustomerGroupId", Customer.rate AS "Customer.Rate"
FROM responses
LEFT JOIN requests Request ON (Request.requestID=responses.requestID)
INNER JOIN supportstatus SupportStatus ON (Request.supportstatusID=SupportStatus.supportstatusID)
INNER JOIN customergroups CustomerGroup ON (Request.customergroupID=CustomerGroup.customergroupID)
INNER JOIN customers Customer ON (Request.customerID=Customer.customerID)
INNER JOIN sites Site ON (Request.siteID=Site.siteID)
LEFT JOIN users InternalUser ON (Request.internal_userID=InternalUser.userID)
LEFT JOIN users User ON (Request.userID=User.userID)
MATCH (responses.response) AGAINST ('slow pc' IN BOOLEAN MODE)))
ORDER BY Request.created ASC)
Execution time of this statement improves roughly 8x which is really good but unfortunately, I am not sure how to translate it to a Propel query. From looking at other questions, it seems that using UNION
in Propel isn't possible. I know that using SQL statements is possible in Propel but as Propel queries are being used everywhere else in this class, I am not sure how it would be possible? How could I implement this query into my website? If needed, I can provide more code for this class.