Is there any windows message which can be used to indicate that scrolling on a TScrollBox has been finished? I need to do some custom operations when an user is scrolling through a TScrollBox, and until now I've caught the WM_VSCROLL message and do the operations, but since the operations became more and more complex I would like to execute them only when the user has finished scrolling. MSDN documentation does not indicate that such a message exists( or maybe I'm looking into the wrong place.
1 Answers
The documentation you link to tells you the answer. While the user is scrolling — that is, dragging the thumb around — the low-order word of the wParam
message parameter will be sb_ThumbTrack
. When the user finishes scrolling — releases the thumb — it will be sb_ThumbPosition
The other methods of scrolling do not have a start and end; they are all distinct events that might occur repeatedly. There's no way to tell which of them is the last in a series of repeated events without peering into the future.