Read the Question Daylight saving time and time zone best practices. Yours is basically a duplicate.
Servers in UTC
Yes, generally servers should have their OS set to UTC as the time zone, or if not provided use GMT
or the Reykjavík Iceland time zone. Your Java implementation probably picks up this setting as its own current default time zone.
Specify time zone
But do not depend on the time zone being set to UTC. A sysadmin could change it. And any Java code in any thread of any app within your JVM can change the JVM’s current default time zone at runtime by calling TimeZone.setDefault
. So instead, make a habit of always specifying the desired/expected time zone by passing the optional argument in your Java code.
I consider it a design flaw that any date-time framework would make the time zone optional. Being optional creates endless amounts of confusion because programmers, like everybody else, unconsciously think in terms of their own personal time zone unless prompted. So all too often in date-time work no attention is paid to the issue. Add on the problem that the JVM default varies. By the way, ditto for Locale
, same problems, should always be specified explicitly.
Your business logic, data storage, and data exchange should almost always be done in UTC. Nearly every database has a feature for adjusting any input into UTC and storing in UTC.
When presenting a date-time to a user, adjust into the expected time zone. When serializing a date-time value, use the ISO 8601 string formats. See the Answer by VickyArora for Oracle specifically (I am a Postgres person). Be sure to read the doc carefully, and practice by experimenting to fully understand your database's behavior. The SQL spec does not spell out very much in this regard, and behavior varies widely.
Remember that when using Java and JDBC, you will be using the java.sql.Timestamp
and related data types. They are always in UTC, automatically. In the future expect to see JDBC drivers updated to directly use the new data types defined in the java.time framework built into Java 8 and later.
The old classes are outmoded by java.time. Learn to use java.time while avoiding the old java.util.Date/.Calendar and make your programming life much more pleasant.
Until your JDBC driver is updated, you can use the conversion convenience methods built into java.time. See examples next, where Instant
is a moment in UTC and ZonedDateTime
is an Instant adjusted into a time zone.
Instant instant = myJavaSqlTimestamp.toInstant();
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant( instant , zoneId );
To go the other direction.
java.sql.Timestamp myJavaSqlTimestamp = java.sql.Timestamp.from( zdt.toInstant() );
If you need original time zone, store it
If your business requirements consider the original input data’s time zone to be important, to be remembered, then store that explicitly as a separate column in your database table. You can use an offset-from-UTC, but that does not provide full information. A time zone is an offset plus a set of rules for the past, present, and future handling of anomalies such as Daylight Saving Time. So a proper time zone name is most appropriate such as America/Montreal
Date-only is ambiguous
You said you collect many date-only values, without time-of-day and without time zone. The class for that in java.time is LocalDate
. As with LocalTime
and LocalDateTime
, the “Local…” part means no particular locality, so therefore no time zone, and so not a point on the timeline -- has no real meaning.
Keep in mind that a date-only value is ambiguous by definition. At any given moment, the date varies around the world. For example, just after midnight in Paris France is a new day but in Montréal Québec the date is still “yesterday”.
Usually in business some time zone is implicit, even unconsciously intuited. Unconscious intuition about data points tends not to work well over the long term, especially in software. Better to make explicit what time zone was intended. You could store the intended zone alongside the date such as another column in database table, or your could make a comment in your programming code. I believe it would vastly better and safer to store a date-time value. So how do we transform a date-only into a date-time?
Often a new day is the moment after midnight, the first moment of the day. You might think that means the time-of-day 00:00:00.0
but not always. Daylight Saving Time (DST) and possibly other anomalies may push the first moment to a different wall-clock time. Let java.time determine the correct time-of-day for first moment going through the LocalDate
class and its atStartOfDay
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
LocalDate today = zoneId );
ZonedDateTime todayStart = today.atStartOfDay( zoneId );
In some business contexts a new day may be defined (or assumed) to be business hours. For example, say a publisher in New York means 9 AM in their local time when they say “the book draft is due by January 2nd”. Let's get that time-of-day for that date in that time zone.
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/New_York" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of( 2016 , 1 , 2 , 9 , 0 , 0 , 0 , zoneId );
What does that mean for the author working in New Zealand? Adjust into her particular time zone for presentation to her by calling withZoneSameInstant
ZoneId zoneId_Pacific_Auckland = ZoneId.of( "Pacific/Auckland" );
ZonedDateTime zdt_Pacific_Auckland = zdt.withZoneSameInstant( zoneId_Pacific_Auckland );
For database storage we transform into an Instant
(a moment on the timeline in UTC) and pass as a java.sql.Timestamp
as seen earlier above.
java.sql.Timestamp ts = java.sql.Timestamp.from( zdt.toInstant() );
When retrieved from the database, transform back to a New York date-time. Convert from java.sql.Timestamp
to an Instant
, then apply a time zone ZoneId
to get a ZonedDateTime
Instant instant = ts.toInstant();
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/New_York" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant( instant , zoneId );
If your database driver complies with JDBC 4.2 or later, you may be able to pass/fetch the java.time types directly rather than convert to/from java.sql types. Try the PreparedStatement::setObject
and ResultSet::getObject