I have some problems with my auth middleware. I want to protect my routes with it, but in some controllers it dosent work really. If I check the routes as logout user, I got different error messasges instead of blocking the access and redirect to the login page. I use the middleware always over the __construct() in the controllers.
An example.
public function show(Dialog $dialog)
return $this->template($dialog, self::DISPLAY_MODE_DIALOG);
protected function template(Dialog $dialog, $displayMode, $messageLimit = 10)
$user = Auth::user();
// Check if the profile is currently controlled by the current user
$isControlled = $dialog->moderator()->appProfile()->isControlledBy($user->id);
$messageList = $dialog->latestMessages($messageLimit);
return view('dialog.chat.template')
->with(compact('dialog', 'messageList', 'isControlled', 'displayMode'));
public function isAccessibleBy(User $user)
$profile = $this->moderator()->appProfile();
return $profile->isOwner($user->id)
|| $profile->isControlledBy($user->id);
Argument 1 passed to App\Model\Dialog\Dialog::isAccessibleBy() must be an instance of App\Model\Account\User, null given, called in C:\projekte\php\newchat\app\Model\Dialog\Dialog.php on line 332 and defined
Now I realize why this happens, but i think the middleware should dont show this messages an protecte the route.
"However, if the user is authenticated, the middleware will allow the request to proceed further into the application."
public function __construct() { $this->middleware('auth); }code
– ToyRoboticisAccessibleBy(User $user = null)
... Thenif($user) ...
set accessible, return false if the user is null – Iamzozo