Hi I am learning Spring JMS with ActiveMQ. In my example scenario is Producer application sends around 50 messages in queue and when I start Consumer application it starts to consume those messages.
Now I want multiple consumer threads to consume messages from queue. I am using JMS listener-container. When I googled for that I found there is a concurrency attribute.
According to Spring JMS doc concurrency attribute specifies
The number of concurrent sessions/consumers to start for each listener. Can either be a simple number indicating the maximum number (e.g. "5") or a range indicating the lower as well as the upper limit (e.g. "3-5"). Note that a specified minimum is just a hint and might be ignored at runtime. Default is 1; keep concurrency limited to 1 in case of a topic listener or if queue ordering is important; consider raising it for general queues.
But in my configuration I am setting this attribute to 5 but it seems it fails to start 5 concurrent listeners.
Configuration for listener:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:jms="http://www.springframework.org/schema/jms"
<bean id="connectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory" p:brokerURL="tcp://localhost:61616" />
<bean id="listener" class="com.jms.example.MyMessageListener"></bean>
<jms:listener-container container-type="default" concurrency="5"
<jms:listener destination="MyQueue" ref="listener"
And If I used bean DefaultMessageListenerContainer instead of jms:listener-container with properties:
<bean id="msgListenerContainer"
p:maxConcurrentConsumers="50" />
Then in ActiveMQ console I could see 10 consumers but in reality it starts 3 consumers simultaneously or sometimes 6 or only 1 consumer.
Consumer code:
public class MyMessageListener implements MessageListener{
public void onMessage(Message m) {
TextMessage message=(TextMessage)m;
System.out.println("Start = " + message.getText());
System.out.println("End = " + message.getText());
}catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace(); }
I am printing consumed messages on console whose output is explained in scenarios below:
I observed some weird behavior. My producer and consumer are two independent applications.
Scenario - 1:
- I start producer and send messages(Meanwhile consumer is NOT running)
- Then I start consumer to consume messages.
Here problem is it does not loads all 10 consumers. Sometimes it loads 3 OR 1.
Start = hello jms 1 // consumer 1 started
Start = hello jms 2 // consumer 2 started
Start = hello jms 3 // consumer 3 started
End = hello jms 1 // consumer 1 ended
Start = hello jms 4 // consumer 4 started and hence always 3 consumers and not 10
End = hello jms 2
Start = hello jms 5
End = hello jms 3
Start = hello jms 6
Scenario - 2:
- I start producer and send messages(Meanwhile consumer is running)
- Since the consumer is in running state it starts to consume them.
So it does load all 5 consumers properly as expected. so the output is:
Start = hello jms 1 // consumer 1 started
Start = hello jms 2 // consumer 2 started
Start = hello jms 3 // consumer 3 started
Start = hello jms 4 // consumer 4 started
Start = hello jms 5 // consumer 5 started
Start = hello jms 6 // consumer 6 started
Start = hello jms 7 // consumer 7 started
Start = hello jms 8 // consumer 8 started
Start = hello jms 9 // consumer 9 started
Start = hello jms 10 // consumer 10 started. Hence all them started at same time as expected.
End = hello jms 1
Start = hello jms 11
End = hello jms 2
Start = hello jms 12
End = hello jms 3
Start = hello jms 13
Why is this happening. It is really eating my brain. I don't want to keep consumer to be running forever. I want to keep both detached.
Please help.