
I want to solve a stiff ode with odeint. I was following this (rosenbrock4_dense_output stepper) but, my function can grow pretty quickly so I want to stop the integration if x(t)>xMAX.

In this question, they have a solution for it but since I'm new with c++ I don't know how to implement this when using a rosenbrock4_dense_output stepper.

I would like to see how to write this specifically for rosenbrock4_dense_output stepper.

Just last week I added an example that finds the exact points where some threshold is crossed: github.com/headmyshoulder/odeint-v2/blob/master/examples/…, It uses the iterator interface of odeint together with a find_if to stop when the threshold is crossed. Then it does a bisection to approximate the crossing point, but you might not need that. To that adapt for rosenbrock you just have to change the stepper and the rhs function.mariomulansky
This seems to be doing exactly what I need, but I don't know how to make it work with the rosenbrock4_dense_output stepper. Just changing runge_kutta_dopri5 to rosenbrock4_dense_output and instead of state_type using vector_type: where vector_Type is defined: typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector< double > vector_type; is not all that is required. Would you mind explaining how this would change for my specific case.marRrR
You also need to adjust the rhs, e.g. auto ode = make_pair( stiff_system() , stiff_system_jacobi() ); - see also headmyshoulder's answer belowmariomulansky

1 Answers


Currently, this is not easily possible with odeint. If you can use the range library here you can combine a for_each and a find_if algorithm.

Otherwise you need to write the loop yourself, which is also not that difficult and should be similar to this:

auto stepper = make_dense_output< rosenbrock4< double > >( 1.0e-12 , 1.0e-12 );
auto ode = make_pair( stiff_system() , stiff_system_jacobi() );

double t = 0.0;
double const end_time = 50.0;
double const dt = 0.01;
vector_type x( 2 , 1.0 );
const double y_min = 1.0;

stepper.initialize( x , t , dt );
cout << t << " " << x[0] << " " << x[1] << endl; // or some other output
t += dt;
while( t < end_time )
    if( t > stepper.current_time() )
        // perform a real step
        stepper.do_step( ode );
        // perform a dense output step
        stepper.calc_state( t , x );
        cout << t << " " << x[0] << " " << x[1] << endl; // or some other output
        t += dt;
    if( x[1] < y_min ) // or some other condition
        cout << "Bound reached." << endl;