
I have a dataframe like this:

    Country     Year      Column1    Column2
1   Guatemala   1999        5           1
4   Mexico      2000        1           3
5   Mexico      2000        2           2
6   Mexico      2000        2           1
8   Guatemala   2000        3           2
11  Guatemala   2003        4           3
12  Guatemala   2003        6           4
13  Guatemala   2003        5           5

What I want to make is a boxplot for each group in Country, displaying a number of boxes corresponding to the number of unique values in Years. These boxes should represent the values in Column2.

I group the data and get boxplots like this:

df1=df.groupby('Origin').boxplot(column='Column2', subplots=True)

That gives me a boxplot for each Country, but with just one plot in it, representing all the values from that group, not separated by years. How can I get a box for each unique value in year, representing the values in Column2 in my code?

Have you seen seaborn's boxplot? It seems like it would do exactly what you want.jakevdp
Yes, that looks like it! I did not know the module, thanks !sequence_hard

1 Answers


I would use the seaborn package, in particular combining the FacetGrid with boxplot. For your situation, the code might look like this:

import seaborn as sns
g = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="Country", sharex=False)
g.map(sns.boxplot, 'Year', 'Column2')

Edit: this is what I get for your data above: enter image description here