I am trying to create a Linked List structure with Neo/Cypher as per the recomendation here: CYPHER store order of node relationships of the same label when I create
But I am having trouble understanding the syntax for the required sequence of events in order to unshift new nodes onto the structure or replace a particular index with a different node.
Where I am confused is the part where I need to add the new node and repair the structure that keeps the old node still inside the linked list sturcture. There should be only one relationship of each type (PARENTID_RELTYPE) that stems from a Parent node; But there can be multiple relationships of different type from each parent. Child nodes can be featured multiple times within a LinkedList and a child node could be featured in a LinkedList of multiple Parents or in a LinkedList of the same parent but a different relationship type.
So one of three things could happen when I try to unshift:
There is no existing child that links to the parent by the PARENTID_RELTYPE
There already exists a child node that links to the parent by PARENTID_RELTYPE
There already exists a child node that links to the parent by PARENTID_RELTYPE and that child node is simply a duplicate of the child node I am attempting to unshift onto the linked list structure (in which case the intended result is to have the same child node in the zero and first indices of the linked list).
The answer url mentioned above helps me greatly in understanding how to read a linked list structure in Neo/Cypher but because of the alternative way for which conditionals are handled in cypher, I am having trouble understanding how to write to the structure (and also delete from he structure).
Below is my initial attempt to do so but I am somewhat baffled by what I need the syntax to do.
MATCH (a:%s {id: {_parentnodeid}}), (b:%s {id: {_id}})
MERGE a-[relold:%s]->b
SET relold.metadata = {_metaData}
I am very grateful for help you can provide.