
I have a three column DataGridView and I want a user enter Tab in the last column to go to the next row but to column 1 instead of column 0. The following code gets an error System.StackOverflowException

I see code out there on how to change CurrentCell from buttons but the events (ChangeCurrentCell, CellLeave) seem to tolerate changing the current cell.

Private Sub dgvEngine_CellLeave(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvEngine.CellLeave
    If mbLoadEng = True Then Exit Sub
    If e.ColumnIndex = 2 Then
        dgvEngine.CurrentCell = dgvEngine(1, e.RowIndex + 1)
    End If
End Sub

How do I change the current cell from a DataGridView event?

I'm not limited to this approach - I'm just trying to skip Column 0 as the users tabs through the cells.

Found a better approach to my specific case - use the Row HeaderCell...

        dgvEngine.Rows(iRow).HeaderCell.Value = col.ColumnName.Substring(1)



col.ColumnName is from a DataRow. What I am doing essentially is a transposed grid with DataRow column names as row headers.

How does it concern to c#? Why you tagged c#?Salah Akbari
I'm open to an answer written in C# - just broadens the audience. Plus C# are so much smarter than VB people... :)rheitzman
I self-answered sort of - I changed direction. The OP on changing the current cell could certainly be answered if someone is looking for points.rheitzman
@rheitzman This comment is primarily opinion based and is likely to raise a hot debate. toddelliott.net/2014/03/production/…haraman

1 Answers


Figured out HeaderCell was the better approach. Result is an unbound grid with two sets of engine data (old vs new) side by side with row headers set to the fieldname.

    mbLoadEng = True
    Dim rowEng As DataRow
    dgvEngine.RowCount = 0
    If dgvEngines.SelectedRows.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Dim sID As String = dgvEngines.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value
    Dim a() As String
    Dim iRow As Integer
    Dim sWhere As String = " WHERE ID=" & sID


        Dim SQL As String = "SELECT  bYear, bMake, bModel, bSerial_Number, bEquipment_ID, bFuel_Type, bPower_Rating, bCyl, bLoad_Factor, bFuel_Consumption_Factor, "
        SQL &= "   bUnit_Conversion_Factor, bEmission_Category, bEmission_Family, bNOx_Emfac, bROG_Emfac, bPM_Emfac, bAnnual_Usage, bNOX_Emfac_Units, bROG_Emfac_Units, "
        SQL &= "   bPM_Emfac_Units, bAnnual_Usage_Units, bNotes"
        SQL &= " FROM     Engine_Equipment"

        rowEng = Gen.GetDataTable(SQL & sWhere).Rows(0)
        iRow = 0
        For Each col As DataColumn In rowEng.Table.Columns
            a = {rowEng(col).ToString, ""}
            dgvEngine.Rows(iRow).HeaderCell.Value = col.ColumnName.Substring(1)
            iRow += 1

        Sql = "SELECT  nYear, nMake, nModel, nSerial_Number, nEquipment_ID, nFuel_Type, nPower_Rating, nCyl, nLoad_Factor, "
        Sql &= "  nFuel_Consumption_Factor, nUnit_Conversion_Factor, nEmission_Category, nEmission_Family, nNOx_Emfac, nROG_Emfac, nPM_Emfac, nAnnual_Usage, "
        Sql &= "  nNOX_Emfac_Units, nROG_Emfac_Units, nPM_Emfac_Units, nAnnual_Usage_Units, nNotes"
        Sql &= " FROM     Engine_Equipment"

        rowEng = Gen.GetDataTable(SQL & sWhere).Rows(0)
        iRow = 0
        For Each col As DataColumn In rowEng.Table.Columns
            dgvEngine(1, iRow).Value = rowEng(col).ToString
            iRow += 1
        dgvEngine.Columns(0).ReadOnly = True
    Catch ex As Exception
        mbLoadEng = False
    End Try