
How do I setup SSL from COMODO for Google App Engine?

Originally I have used the certificate with other servers from Rackspace down to EC2 now I have migrated the domain for the certificate to GAE.

From the previous server I generated these files with openssh where these files were used for the creation of COMODO certificate:

  1. mydomain.csr
  2. mydomain.key

Then after registration with Namecheap.com for COMODO certificate, I got

  1. www_mydomain_com.ca-bundle
  2. www_mydomain_com.crt

What can I do to allow https access for my custom domain in Google App Engine?

Yes I did that but getting "The private key you've selected does not appear to be valid." however the same sets of keys worked with my Ubuntu server before (on EC2)quarks

1 Answers


To fix this I had to

openssl rsa -in mydomain.key -text > mydomain.key.pem

and do this: App Engine: The private key you've selected does not appear to be valid

That is, delete the text above the -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Then GAE console accepted the Unencrypted PEM file.