I'm using the Cloudera's SparkOnHBase module in order to get data from HBase.
I get a RDD in this way:
var getRdd = hbaseContext.hbaseRDD("kbdp:detalle_feedback", scan)
Based on that, what I get is an object of type
RDD[(Array[Byte], List[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte])])]
which corresponds to row key and a list of values. All of them represented by a byte array.
If I save the getRDD to a file, what I see is:
([B@f7e2590,[([B@22d418e2,[B@12adaf4b,[B@48cf6e81), ([B@2a5ffc7f,[B@3ba0b95,[B@2b4e651c), ([B@27d0277a,[B@52cfcf01,[B@491f7520), ([B@3042ad61,[B@6984d407,[B@f7c4db0), ([B@29d065c1,[B@30c87759,[B@39138d14), ([B@32933952,[B@5f98506e,[B@8c896ca), ([B@2923ac47,[B@65037e6a,[B@486094f5), ([B@3cd385f2,[B@62fef210,[B@4fc62b36), ([B@5b3f0f24,[B@8fb3349,[B@23e4023a), ([B@4e4e403e,[B@735bce9b,[B@10595d48), ([B@5afb2a5a,[B@1f99a960,[B@213eedd5), ([B@2a704c00,[B@328da9c4,[B@72849cc9), ([B@60518adb,[B@9736144,[B@75f6bc34)])
for each record (rowKey and the columns)
But what I need is to get the String representation of all and each of the keys and values. Or at least the values. In order to save it to a file and see something like
or something like
I'm completely new on spark and scala and it's being quite hard to get something.
Could you please help me with that?