Starting Service using Powershell script. You can link this to task scheduler and trigger it at intervals or as needed.
Create this as a PS1 file i.e. file with extension PS1 and then let this file be triggered from task scheduler.
To start stop service
in task scheduler if you are using it on server use this in arguments
-noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:\Service Restart Scripts\StopService.PS1"
verify by running the same on cmd if it works it should work on task scheduler also
$Password = "Enter_Your_Password"
$UserAccount = "Enter_Your_AccountInfor"
$MachineName = "Enter_Your_Machine_Name"
$ServiceList = @("test.SocketService","test.WcfServices","testDesktopService","testService")
$PasswordSecure = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $UserAccount, $PasswordSecure
$LogStartTime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
$FileDateTimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_hh"
$LogFileName = "C:\Users\krakhil\Desktop\Powershell\Logs\StartService_$FileDateTimeStamp.txt"
"`n####################################################################" > $LogFileName
"####################################################################" >> $LogFileName
"###################### STARTING SERVICE ##########################" >> $LogFileName
for($i=0;$i -le 3; $i++)
"`n`n" >> $LogFileName
$ServiceName = $ServiceList[$i]
"$LogStartTime => Service Name: $ServiceName" >> $LogFileName
Write-Output "`n####################################"
Write-Output "Starting Service - " $ServiceList[$i]
"$LogStartTime => Starting Service: $ServiceName" >> $LogFileName
Start-Service $ServiceList[$i]
$ServiceState = Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $ServiceList[$i]}
if($ServiceState.Status -eq "Running")
"$LogStartTime => Started Service Successfully: $ServiceName" >> $LogFileName
Write-Host "`n Service " $ServiceList[$i] " Started Successfully"
"$LogStartTime => Unable to Stop Service: $ServiceName" >> $LogFileName
Write-Output "`n Service didn't Start. Current State is - "
Write-Host $ServiceState.Status
"`n####################################################################" > $LogFileName
"####################################################################" >> $LogFileName
"###################### STOPPING SERVICE ##########################" >> $LogFileName
for($i=0;$i -le 3; $i++)
"`n`n" >> $LogFileName
$ServiceName = $ServiceList[$i]
"$LogStartTime => Service Name: $ServiceName" >> $LogFileName
Write-Output "`n####################################"
Write-Output "Stopping Service - " $ServiceList[$i]
"$LogStartTime => Stopping Service: $ServiceName" >> $LogFileName
Stop-Service $ServiceList[$i]
$ServiceState = Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $ServiceList[$i]}
if($ServiceState.Status -eq "Stopped")
"$LogStartTime => Stopped Service Successfully: $ServiceName" >> $LogFileName
Write-Host "`n Service " $ServiceList[$i] " Stopped Successfully"
"$LogStartTime => Unable to Stop Service: $ServiceName" >> $LogFileName
Write-Output "`nService didn't Stop. Current State is - "
Write-Host $ServiceState.Status