
I want to change the default Laravel routes from /auth/login to just /login and vis-à-vis with register.

These are my routes:

Route::get('login',     ['as' => 'getLogin', 'uses' => 'Auth\AuthController@getLogin']);
Route::post('login',    ['as' => 'postLogin', 'uses' => 'Auth\AuthController@postLogin']);
Route::get('logout',    ['as' => 'getLogout', 'uses' => 'Auth\AuthController@getLogout']);
Route::get('register',  ['as' => 'getRegister', 'uses' => 'Auth\AuthController@getRegister']);
Route::post('register', ['as' => 'postRegister', 'uses' => 'Auth\AuthController@postRegister']);

Now the problem arises, that when a user tries to access an area that is guarded, the Authentication class kicks in, redirecting the unauthenticated user back to /auth/login instead of just /login.

I though I could solve the problem by setting the $loginPath in my AuthController like this:

protected $loginPath = '/login';

But it seems like the $loginPath is just used for unsuccessful login attempts, instead of unsuccessful authentication attempts, like documented in the AuthenticateUsers Class.

Well I managed to change the redirectURL in the Authenticate Class from this:

return redirect()->guest('auth/login');

to this:

return redirect()->guest('login');

Which solved the issue, yet I would like to set a property for this in my AuthController like this:

protected $redirectIfMiddlewareBlocks = '/login';

For this I check in the Authenticate Class if a property exists, which I set in the AuthController before:

return redirect()->guest(property_exists($this, 'redirectIfMiddlewareBlocks') ? $this->redirectIfMiddlewareBlocks : '/shouldnotbeused');

Yet I get the /shouldnotbeused url, instead of the one set by the redirectIfMiddlewareBlocks property in my AuthController.

How do I set up the path for the login route in my AuthController correctly?

Why are you checking if it exists? You know it exists because you just added itandrewtweber
As far as I can remember, those are the only 2 places you need to set the login path. But I don't see why you're overcomplicating things with setting the property and checking if it exists. I would just go with what works redirect()->guest('login')andrewtweber
Well, I was just a little bit refactoring and thought it would be a good idea, to have this path saved in a variable somewhere at the top. And I check if it exist to see if it finds it, which it doesn'tLoveAndHappiness
But why the check? Will the property ever not exist?andrewtweber
To see if it actually accepts a poperty which is set in the authcontroller. Which it doesn't. Also I understand the implications of your question. You are saying why bothering checking if a property exists, if you set it first. Well I was reading some traits and got the idea, that it doesn't hurt to give the user of a class the option set a property, which differs from the default and then maybe not set it at all. But the option should be there. Hope you understood...LoveAndHappiness

1 Answers


I think the problem is that you are checking the property on the wrong class. You are checking if it exists on $this, which is an instance of Authenticate when it is set on AuthController

So you should change your check to:

property_exists(AuthController::class, 'redirectIfMiddlewareBlocks')

Also, you can't access a protected property from another class. If you want to do that you'll have to make it public. Finally, I would make it static so that you don't have to instantiate an AuthController object to access it. So the final solution is:

class AuthController {
    public static $redirectIfMiddlewareBlocks = '/here';

And in your Authenticate middleware:

use App\Http\Controllers\AuthController;

class Authenticate {
    public function handle() {
        return redirect()->guest(
            property_exists(AuthController::class, 'redirectIfMiddlewareBlocks')
                ? AuthController::$redirectIfMiddlewareBlocks
                : '/shouldnotbeused'