I am using Drupal 7 and Feeds to import an image field into a content type article, it does work when the image url is a direct link to the image.
but images that are linking to image handlers:http://business.iafrica.com/apps/imageUtil/view/article/1008937/1/630x385/are not importing.
I have tried:
- to use the Feeds Tamper Module and Feeds Tamper PHP to try and alter the image name, this results in an invalid URL loading.
- To use Field Image Grabber, but I have an XML source, not HTML.
here is my source feed url http://resource.thumbtribe.mobi/ds1.portal/portal/1/4/resource/view/maximized/9500187?format=atom_extern
and my Image: URI xpath mapping is: string(link[@rel="enclosure"]/@href)