
Windows 7 workstation POSH 3.0 SS 2012 SP1

Developer 1 cannot run Invoke-SQLCmd
Developer 2 with similar SS Client tools installation can run Invoke-SQLCmd
Developer 1 cannot run Import-Module SQLPS

When I try to run a query from my laptop like the following:

Invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance <ServerName> -Query "Select top 10 * from <SomeTable>;"

I get the following error:

Invoke-sqlcmd : The 'Invoke-sqlcmd' command was found in the module 'SQLPS', 
but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module 

Yet another developer can successfully run the command, and we both have a local

I cannot run Import-Module sqlps on my machine for obvious reasons - ExecutionPolicy is Restricted.

I am not sure why the other developers machine allows the query, while mine does not. Is this a SQL Client install issue?

Does the other developer have the same execution policy? That should really only matter if a script is being ran. If you are not able to run the invoke-sqlcmd from the powershell command line, are you sure you have the SQL management tools installed?AutomatedOrder
Run this command to make sure you even have SQLPS installed: Get-Module –ListAvailable -name SQLPSAutomatedOrder
I ran Get-Module –ListAvailable -name SQLPS and it does appear that SQLPS is available in my C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\PowerShell\ModulesRiskworks
This is a similar issue on SO but does not seem to be resolved: stackoverflow.com/questions/31343611/…Riskworks
We're having the same issue on a machine here. Everything seems to be installed properly. We have a working machine to compare to the non-working machine. On the working one, we see stuff in the 'ExportedCommands' column when we list available modules. On the non-working one, the SQLPS and SQLASCMDLETS modules appear, but the ExportedCommands column is empty. Everything appears identical between the two computers.DustinA

3 Answers


It is all about Microsoft. They have the best technology but not simply one way and straight path to use their tool. :( You can use SMO object to Interact with your database. (You can use it with C#/VB.net/PowerShell) :$ You can use SQLPS You can use Invoke-SQLCmd

Just Run below Script to make sure feature pack installed in your machine and Use SQLPS which is easier to use than other solution (personal preference)

Install-module -Name SqlServer -Scope CurrentUser

# Import the SQL Server Module.    
Import-Module Sqlps -DisableNameChecking;

# To check whether the module is installed.
Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Sqlps;

Maybe you can try the below Add-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 Add-PSSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100 Although I notice those snap-ins are not installed on my local but I am able to use SQLPS but that could be because Execution policy is Unrestricted. Source : SQL Authority

Update : Download and Install in below order

  1. Microsoft® System CLR Types for Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012
  2. Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Shared Management Objects Microsoft®
  3. Windows PowerShell Extensions for Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012

Link - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29065


I found myself in the same situation. There are two products: SQLPS module and SQLServer Module.

SQLPS is installed automatically when you install an older SQL client.

It can also be extracted from that installation and copied on another host if you cannot install SQL client there (PROD env. for example). You have here the steps in the "details" paragraph

SQLServer Module can be installed via powershell commands but it requires powershell v5 . see here details