In excel below formula will generate random number from a normal distribution with mean 10 and variance 1. Is there a way to set a fix seed so that i get a fix set of random numbers all the time? I am using Excel 2010
In excel below formula will generate random number from a normal distribution with mean 10 and variance 1. Is there a way to set a fix seed so that i get a fix set of random numbers all the time? I am using Excel 2010
You can implement your own random number generator using spreadsheet functions. For example, C++11 has a Lehmer random number generator called minstd_rand
which is obtained by the recurrence
X = X*g (mod m)
where g = 48271
and m = 2^31-1
In A1
you can place your seed value. In A2
enter the formula:
and copy it down however far you need.
In B2
enter =A2/(2^31-1)
and in C2
enter =NORM.INV(B2,10,1)
, copying as needed. Note that you can always replace the seed value in A1
if you want to turn volatile randomness back on.
The following screenshot shows 25 random normal variables generated in this fashion:
As you can tell from the histogram the distribution seems roughly normal.
I am not pretending that it is a perfect solution, but that works for me. The beauty of it, is that I can assign a random number to a particular cell:
Public Function GetRandom(seed As Double, min As Double, max As Double) As Double
Dim colrow As Double
Dim range As Double
range = max - min
If (Application.Caller.Column() = Application.Caller.Row()) Then
colrow = (Log(Application.Caller.Column() + 1) * Log(Application.Caller.Row() + 1)) * seed
colrow = (Log(Application.Caller.Column() + 1) / Log(Application.Caller.Row() + 1)) * seed
End If
Rnd (-1)
Randomize colrow
test = Rnd * range - range / 2
GetRandom = colrow
End Function
I my example, the seed value is in Z1 cell, but of course in can be in any other cell. It also allow me to setup min and max values.