
I tried to run the command php artisan migrate:refresh, It throws the following error,

Class 'CreatePasswordResetsTable' not found

I checked in DB, it has rows in the migration table. I truncated the table and re-run the command, It worked fine. I need to know why those rows are not deleted in migration table.

Did you delete the migration file 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php that comes with Laravel after running php artisan migrate?Tim Lewis
When, I run the php artisan migrate:refresh, it rolled back all migrations and throwed above error.. I checked in db migrations table and I found the create password resets table exists.. So I manually truncated the table migrationkarthick

3 Answers


I get the same problem

is work for me

composer dumpautoload

In phpMyAdmin, manually delete the "migrations" table. Then re-run "php artisan migrate" in Terminal and it will re-create all of the tables for you.


I accidentally deleted my "create_users" and "create_passwords" table after executing "migrate" command. Executing the "php artisan migrate:refresh" gave me the following error:

[Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException] Class 'CreatePasswordResetsTable' not found

I solved the problem by manually deleting the "migrations" table through PHPMyAdmin. The command now doesn't throw any error.