I try to have the full length label into my phylogenetic tree using the python library Biopython with the Phylo.draw().
I import my newick file format, I draw it, and I save it:
from Bio import Phylo
import pylab
f = 'path/to/my/file'
tree = Phylo.read(file, 'newick')
Phylo.draw(tree, do_show=False)
pylab.savefig("tree2.svg",format='svg', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
But the problem is Phylo.draw cut the label at 40 letters the label.
I can show the full length label with this combination :
for leaf in tree.get_terminals():
print leaf.name
I see the code source, I read the documentation, I don't find how this function cut the long label, or how to replace the cutting label by the full-length label, I see they are options label_func=str
or branch_labels=None
but I dont know how to use it.
the data you can copy paste into a text file for testing :
Edit: After the comment I edit the title, replace "png" by "svg", hide axis and add the picture.
format ? can you usesvg
format ? if, yes ....then, you can modify labels in svg format and next convert topng
format – Jose Ricardo Bustos M.