I have a an ejb3 jar file containing:
1) remote interface I1 and the stateless implementation IMPL1 (exposed to the client)
2) local interface I2 and the stateless implementation IMPL2 (used locally within the server application)
IMPL1 has got @EJB annotation to inject local I2 (IMPL2).
When I put the ejb3 jar to the client and try to deploy the client application it fails with the error "Cannot resolve reference Unresolved Ejb-Ref" to the local I2 because obviously the local I2 ejb is not accessible from the client.
As far as I understand I should have put only remote interfaces and entities in the client's lib. Not the implementation IMPL1 as it causes the problem. Alternatively I cam make the I2 remote and then the client deploys successfully. However I don't want to expose I2 and want to get the response from the local bean "by reference".
The problem is I can't split the project into two parts (client+server), so I have put the whole ejb jar to the client's lib.
Is it possible to disable the local @EJB in IMPL1 on the client (somehow in web.xml)?
Thanks in advance, Anton