
We are having a situation where we need to connect to Active Directory that is setup in a Virtual Machine (in Azure Environment) from a Desktop Application / Windows Service (C#). As I am new to AD, need to know the setp-by-step procedure which I need to follow for:

  1. Connecting to Active Directory (hosted in Virtual Machine) from my desktop app/ Windows service (locally).
  2. Get almost all the information from Active Directory (Users, Groups etc...)
  3. Able to create / update / delete information (Users / Groups) from my app to Active Directory (hosted in VM).

Any help would be appreciated.


1 Answers


Here http://blogs.msdn.com/b/kaevans/archive/2015/01/21/install-a-new-active-directory-forest-on-an-azure-virtual-network.aspx and here http://blogs.technet.com/b/keithmayer/archive/2013/01/17/step-by-step-building-a-windows-server-2012-active-directory-forest-in-the-cloud-with-windows-azure.aspx are some instructions to get you started creating the Active Directory forest in the cloud.

Once AD is installed you need to connect to it from inside your computer/organization. Depending on your needs, there are several ways (point-to-site, site-to-site and ExpressRoute) you can connect to a virtual network in Azure.

E.g. see https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/vpn-gateway-site-to-site-create/ for instructions on how to set up a site-to-site VPN to connect your organization desktop machines to the forest.

Now you should be able to join your desktop machines to the AD forest.

After this you should be able to start using the newly created AD in your on-prem network. See http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/18102/Howto-Almost-Everything-In-Active-Directory-via-C for starts how to do the most common operations.