I am working on a compute shader where the output is written to SSBO.Now,the consumer of this buffer is CUDA which expects it to contain unsigned bytes.I currently can't see find the way how to write a byte per index in SSBO.With texture or image the normalized float to unsigned byte conversion is handled by OpenGL.For example I can attach a texture with internal format R8 and store byte per entry.But nothing like this is possible with SSBO.Does it mean that except of bool data type all the numerical storage types in SSBO can be at least 4 bytes per entry only?
Practically speaking I would like to be able to do the following:
Compute shader:
#version 430 core
layout (local_size_x = 8,local_size_y = 8 ) in;
struct SSBOBlock
byte mydata;
layout(std430,binding = BUFFER_OUTPUT) writeonly buffer bBuffer
SSBOBlock Ouput[];
} Out;
void main()
//..... Compute shader stuff...
Out.Ouput[globalIndex].mydata = val;//where val is normalized float
in GLSL is 1-byte, you may need to re-write some of your shaders :) – Andon M. Coleman#version 423 core
...wat – genpfault