
The report is not loading on my asp page. Connection to DB is correct no errors where thrown. I used to install my app in a win server 2003 sp2 but now I migrated to win server 2008 sp2 and the reports are not showing anymore. Any ideas or links on how to install seagate crystal reports 8 on win server 2008?


2 Answers


So you have an application that uses Crystal Reports, and these do not run on Win Server 2008 SP2? What happens when you try to install CR8 onto the server?

Version 8 is a very old version of Crystal Reports - probably dating from the later 1990's - but it will usually run on much newer operating systems if the Runtime components are installed.

You could try installing a slightly later version of the Runtime from here: http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/BOBJ/Crystal+Reports+Report+Designer+Component+Runtime+Distribution+-+Versions+pre+8.0.x+to+12.0


Try to register ntwdblib.dll inside your system32 or syswow64 (if 64 bit).