What is the generic structure of a WebSphere MQ cell?
To give you an idea of what I am looking for, let me give an example of an WebSphere Application Server topology.
following are the rules for WAS
A Cell in WAS
- will contain one Cell Deployment Manager Node.
- will contain one Deployment Manager
- will contain at least one node.
- each node will contain one node agent
- each node will contain at least one server
- may have one or more clusters
- a cluster will have at least one node as a member
The following is a image showing the above.
I have borrowed the image from an explanation given by rafaelri websphere concepts: cell, node, cluster, server…
What is really want are the rules for a similar topology structure for WebSphere MQ.
I know that there is a concept of a Cell in MQ, similarly there is a concept of a Cluster as well. I just don't know what the hierarchy of the structure is.
Any help will be much appreciated.