I am running into an issue where when requesting data within two adjacent react-router-relay route components using the same root query, the graphql server query in the second route component invalidates the data previously retrieved from the first.
As an example:
I am using a workaround to attach fields to a 'viewer' root node, in order to query for arrays of data from a root field:
My schema.js includes the following definitions for the viewer (User) type and the root:
var GraphQLUser = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'User',
isTypeOf: function(obj) { return obj instanceof User },
fields: function() {
return {
id: GraphQLRelay.globalIdField('User'),
//Fields to expose to app, e.g. cars
cars: {
type: GraphQLRelay.connectionDefinitions({
name: 'Car', nodeType: carType
args: GraphQLRelay.connectionArgs,
resolve: function(user, args) {
GraphQLRelay.connectionFromPromisedArray(getCars(), args)
interfaces: [nodeDefinitions.nodeInterface],
And the root:
var Root = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Root',
fields: {
viewer: {
type: GraphQLUser,
resolve: (root, {} ) => getUser()
node: nodeDefinitions.nodeField
Now, in the main.jsx application entry point, I am defining the following routes:
<Router createElement={ReactRouterRelay.createElement}>
<Route path="/" component={App} queries={ViewerQueries} />
<Route path="/cars" component={AllCars} queries={ViewerQueries} />
with ViewerQueries.js containing:
export default {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`query { viewer }`,
Now, if the App
component includes the following graphql fragment:
exports.Component = Relay.createContainer(App, {
initialVariables: {
limit: 10
fragments: {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on User {
cars (first: $limit) {
edges {
node {
And the AllCars
component includes the following:
exports.Component = Relay.createContainer(AllCars, {
initialVariables: {limit: 10},
fragments: {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on User {
cars (first: $limit) {
edges {
node {
what happens is that on rendering of the App component on path '/', the array of cars is returned without problems. However, once the '/cars' path is rendered, the resulting array on `this.props.viewer.cars' is empty. In addition, returning to the path '/' to cause a re-rendering of the App component now also returns an empty array.
On the back-end, it appears the AllCars component causes an additional POST /graphql 200 277.369 ms - 94
trip to the server to fetch the new type
specified in the fragment.
If the AllCars component only includes the 'name' field, Relay correctly doesn't make another server request, but instead populates the array with data (supposedly cached from the initial App component server request).
Shouldn't it be possible to get the array of cars from either component, with Relay getting any additional data fields specified in the fragments regardless of the order they appear in the routes?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!